Film Fest

Say it ain’t so…

Oh wow.  How incredible was that?

I just tried to count exactly how many short films I watched this weekend and I quit around 75–all the festinis might have impaired my math skills–long before I got the end of the program.  And the workshops… Oh my.

There was high fashion…

And we didn’t just watch films–we made one, too…

Lance brought his style and his Diet Coke to the Saturday morning brunch…

Rian took care of the champagne for the rest of us…

While Jay, Gail and Cathy cooked up some waffles (the 3 kilograms of bacon I cooked is something I’d rather not remember)…

It may have been early in the morning, but there was plenty of good conversation to be had…

Later Judy Gladstone from Bravo! FACT shared some wonderful short films and talked about the funding available to filmmakers through Bravo! FACT grants…

Isabelle Pauwels’ artist talk in the gallery on Saturday night was fascinating, and sticking around for questions and drinks afterwards was definitely worth it…

I also snuck upstairs to the projection “booth” to check out the view from above…

And to admire those hard-working projectionists…

Sunday morning came too soon, but I was very happy that I got up early for Michael Greyeye’s workshop on directing actors…

Later in the day artists-in-residence Marcia Connolly and Angela Joosse talked us through their careers and recent work…

And there was a street barbecue and live radio broadcast and awards and dancing, and really it was all so mad and fun that I didn’t manage to get any photos of the action because I was having such a good time.

I was blown away by all the talent and brilliance shown by Yukon filmmakers throughout the weekend.  From documentaries discussing important social issues, through comedies and animations, to experimental film too, Yukon filmmakers brought it all–and backed it up with great conversation and good times throughout the weekend.  It was wonderful to have so many filmmakers here from Outside to share their wisdom, but definitely just as good to be inspired by my friends and neighbours.

I could do this every weekend, but then I’d never have time to make my next movie, so I guess it’s not so bad that film fest fun is winding down for a while.  I don’t have much left to say, except:


Thanks for the good time, baby.  Don’t forget to call me next time you’re in town.

Love, Kit.

One thought on “Say it ain’t so…

  1. What an amazing weekend. Thank you so much for such a wonderful film fest! I must say that this year’s festival goes down as being one of the most enjoyable and inspiring times I have experienced. The Dawson City International Short Film Festival rocks! Great job – Dan Sokolowski, all the talented filmmakers and workshop facilitators, Kit, Evan, Aaron, Karen McKay and all the amazing volunteers, KIAC and too many more to list. Wow. You’ve got a really special thing going on. I feel so fortunate to have been a part of it. : )

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